Wednesday 28 November 2018

Bagging it up

All Christmas presents now knitted. I am particularly pleased with the coat hangers, but definitely need to get the stitch count down from 41 start. Inevitably made more diamonds, as they are too easy, but blankets are proliferating. Thought I might make a tote bag along the lines of the cushion. Initial plan was 3x3. Needed to do a straight edge for the top, but sides and based can be folded round. In the search for straps came across pyjama girdles in Rowells (along with nice spotted fabric for lining). This would be better as single strap. Note that Rowells also have curtain rings and D rings sold singly. As shop is up for sale and will most probably close down, must get back there quick if idea works out.

Thursday 8 November 2018

The prophetic mouse

The day after finishing Noelle Mouse, went into the attic to get items for show on Sunday. We've got mice! First time in this house, and we've been here 35 years. Bait and trap put down, but will have to do major overhaul of all woolly items up thee. Plus they have nibbled away at a couple of polystyrene Christmas ornaments. Perhaps I ought to knit a cat next.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Mouse with gout

Donlt ask about the V-bed. Have finished knitting gloves, just to sew lasst pair up in company now. Made a mouse from a small kit found in charity shop, but no pattern. Not easy to reverse engineer on this small scale! Feet too big and why they are sticking out sideways, goodness knows. But know E will love it for the tree when I take it down next week. Going to a show this weekend. Battered the organiser to let the musem have a stand and they have responded by letting us have a free one AND allowing us to sell. So have made 20 pairs of handwarmers, 20 pairs of socks and have got 8 of Helen's delightful rabbits. Matt taking his Griswold to demonstrate. Stall layout has shown that fewer than half the exhibitors from last year are coming back after the debacle of loading and security, one whole area of the venue is not being used. Crickey - I just hope everbody does not compare it unfavourably with last time, we are still lucky to have something like this in Nottingham and accessible by bus for me.