Monday 19 February 2018

Flippin' Feb

... and today the computer has crashed. I have a draft master plan of all delegates printed out, and their dinner choices, but the last time I backed up my files onto memory stick appears to be 3rd December. I blame the flu. Computer now in the shop, I am sitting here with fingers crossed and twiddling my thumbs (you try it). If all my files are lost after 3rd December, it is going to be a long hard slog trying to work out all the updates. I have resurrected the never ending entrelac shawl Am attacking it by knitting at least one square a day before I allow myself to do other knitting. When I am at the end of this row, It will be slotting in triangles to straighten off the top edge and finish the darn thing. Have had to abandon the idea of a cable cardi - the beige yarn I ordered looks mid-brown. Yuk.

Friday 9 February 2018

February Fever

I don't know why I thought organising a second Sock Machine Event would be easier than the first. The bare bones might have been, but oh! the details. And all the silly little queries and chasing up of people who says "they'll get back to me" and don't. List now full at 60 people, and, a full four weeks before the event, no doubt there will be more nit-picking stuff to deal with. In hand knitting, had a bit of fun with sample log cabin mitts (why had non-one thought of these before?), and Jukkasjarvi mittens from handpsun Shetland humbug.