Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Frogs are fiddly!

Grandchildren have no idea of the skills ned for making tiny stuff, have they?  But do we turn down requests from those cherubic faces?  No, we do not.

The eyes on this creature have only a few stitches, I can't see how you would stuff them, so I just sewed the googly eyes into the hollow socket.  So what if he looks sunken-eyed, I am sure E will love him.

In other (knitting) news, I have invented a Honey Bun Draughty - which is a door draught excluder masquerading here as a cushion.  Note to self - chenille is NOT suitable for sewing up long seams - i.e. the grafting line for ending the nose.  However, the colour of it did lend to the name.