Saturday, 18 April 2020

Lockdown hat

This hat did not work out as varied in the sections as I was hoping, as you can;t see them all at once - neither could it be called Peruvian in shape! Back to the drawing board. As we are now in the fourth week of virus Lockdown, I thought I would record for posterity a short diary of a typical day, same as yesterday, and no doubt the same as tomorrow, although if it rains won't be going in the garden. Try to stay in bed until 8amUp, wash,breakfast, bit of housework, check emails, Facebook, Ravely and News 10am to Knitting Room work on either or both machines 11am out in garden 12noon check Keith is up, prepare lunch plus a glass of wine 1pm nod off for a bit 2pm come round, try out a hand knit pattern, watching Father Brown on tv 4pm tea and a biscuit4:30 water plants in pots and garden where seeds planted 5pm, read, Suduko, more knitting 6pm prepare dinner 7pm Check computer again, more reading, tv, knitting10pm bed

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