Saturday, 19 September 2020

A sock was knitted...

 ...washed and then accidentally went through the tumble dryer.  But a sock!  Only did 20 row rib, 20 row leg, then 30 row foot.  Both heel and toe ended at 16 needles.  Very "fat", but it has adjusted to fit my foot for the photo.  Tension was 6 or 7, have taken that down to 5 now.

No more problems than anticipated, heel tension spring performed well after a little tweak.  Some resistance in the cams on reversing, but could catch that and raise them by hand.  After that I used most of an old cone of sock yarn that was a tad thinner than the WYS , and am just cranking away to get it run in., and the cams seem to be getting used to it.   Oiled it heavily, and using a cloth to catch the drips.  I will use some of the tubing to make a cover for the old weights.  It will crank with one finger on plain tubing.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Up and running


The pretty Cymbal is now up and running, but makes quite a groaning noise.  I took a short video.    I didn't touch the timing screw for the ribber (old lesson, once learnt never forgotten - if it ain't broke, don't fix it).  You would think I now had a sense of achievement, but for some reason I don't.  I don't really think it was worth what I paid for it in the state that it was in, and I regret that.   It's not perfect now - the upthrow can plate screws are so loose they may as well not be there.  To get it up to serviceable level I shall have to buy some weights next, and opening clasp band.  I will do it, as I don't like things half complete.  Perhaps most of my disappointment comes from considered opinion of other people that the multi-coloured decals add nothing to the value.

It is not a beginner's machine, there are still some kinks to be worked out, but tomorrow I may, I may, knit a sock on it.

Monday, 7 September 2020

First count your damsons

 I got hold of some damsons,  They are too small to cut the stones out of, so I stewed them, then the stones were easier to remove afterwards.  But I wish I had counted them first!  Just swirled them with plain yogurt for  damson fool.

To relate this to knitting - damsons were allegedly grown in Belper to dye the stockings made there.  I found this note on the Internet many years ago and have not been able to verify it since - until today.  The village of Holbrook celebrates them with Damson Sunday on the 23rd Sep.

I got some new small screws for the pretty Cymbal from the Internet, and Ventured to the museum for the first time in six months.  Was able to sort out a ribber drive pin, a nut for the crank guard and Matt measured the larger shouldered screws needed for the ribber stop base plate with digital calipers, and re-bent the heel tension wire thread guide.  Anne suggested getting a new ribber dial to replace the missing 36 slot one - but to make it 72, from Dave Lord in Canada.  Lead-in time only three weeks (plus shipping).  Brilliant idea!  Will be able to make 2x1 rib

Also I brought back the Griswold I bought at Kegworth and which I let Matt get into working order for me.  Blummin' heavy, basic machine 13kg.  Where am I going to put all these machines, let alone have the space to use them?  I now have four, and I never intended to be a collector...