Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Up and running


The pretty Cymbal is now up and running, but makes quite a groaning noise.  I took a short video.    I didn't touch the timing screw for the ribber (old lesson, once learnt never forgotten - if it ain't broke, don't fix it).  You would think I now had a sense of achievement, but for some reason I don't.  I don't really think it was worth what I paid for it in the state that it was in, and I regret that.   It's not perfect now - the upthrow can plate screws are so loose they may as well not be there.  To get it up to serviceable level I shall have to buy some weights next, and opening clasp band.  I will do it, as I don't like things half complete.  Perhaps most of my disappointment comes from considered opinion of other people that the multi-coloured decals add nothing to the value.

It is not a beginner's machine, there are still some kinks to be worked out, but tomorrow I may, I may, knit a sock on it.

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