Monday, 7 September 2020

First count your damsons

 I got hold of some damsons,  They are too small to cut the stones out of, so I stewed them, then the stones were easier to remove afterwards.  But I wish I had counted them first!  Just swirled them with plain yogurt for  damson fool.

To relate this to knitting - damsons were allegedly grown in Belper to dye the stockings made there.  I found this note on the Internet many years ago and have not been able to verify it since - until today.  The village of Holbrook celebrates them with Damson Sunday on the 23rd Sep.

I got some new small screws for the pretty Cymbal from the Internet, and Ventured to the museum for the first time in six months.  Was able to sort out a ribber drive pin, a nut for the crank guard and Matt measured the larger shouldered screws needed for the ribber stop base plate with digital calipers, and re-bent the heel tension wire thread guide.  Anne suggested getting a new ribber dial to replace the missing 36 slot one - but to make it 72, from Dave Lord in Canada.  Lead-in time only three weeks (plus shipping).  Brilliant idea!  Will be able to make 2x1 rib

Also I brought back the Griswold I bought at Kegworth and which I let Matt get into working order for me.  Blummin' heavy, basic machine 13kg.  Where am I going to put all these machines, let alone have the space to use them?  I now have four, and I never intended to be a collector...

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