Sounds like the next village to Much-Binding-in-the-Marsh, doesn't it? I was making a load of skoleppar scissors keepers for Crimble. (See entry for 2nd June) Instead of ribbon this time, I thought I would crochet braids, leave the ends unsewn until after fulling in the washing machine. If the ends are threaded through the keeper as well as the scissors, then they don't keep parting company. The piccy shows what happened when I put eleven in the wash at the same time! They did a complete tourniquet act round the sleeve of one of my silk blouses. Undoing them was like reverse bobbin lace making. I only had to break one thread though.
I reckon this size is good for memory sticks for the males in the family - for the boys, I am going to put a couple of very old pix of themselves on them.
A larger "keeper" has worked out well as a specs case. Not quite as big as underfoot skoleppar, and still with the opening of one angled section. Evidently Keith's bright yellow and orange one caused a lot of comments at his Luncheon Club today. Because both sides aren't seen at once, different patterns were used - stripes on one side, 2x2 blocks on the other. I'll leave the reader to guess which was the easier side to knit.
Next project for Crimble is huggie muggies - still in the wash, pix to follow.
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